Fuckery Flashback: Leave Britney Alone!!!! (2/17/2017)

This morning I asked my girlfriend what was on the agenda for this weekend, specifically what we were doing Saturday night. Her response has me baffled.. Ladies and Gents, she wants to watch the Britney Spears biopic on Lifetime entitled Britney Ever After! I had no clue that there was such a movie, so of course I’m doing a little bit of research to know what I’m getting myself into and it looks as if its going to be a horrific train wreck! To be honest, the past two biopics I watched on Lifetime were flaming hot trash (The save by the bell story: Screech’s edition and Whitney’s biopic!)! With that being said, we at humanfuckery.com find it fitting to have the viral video Leave Britney Alone as a Fuckery Flashback because the timing is impeccable with this biopic debuting tomorrow night!

link source:jezebel.com

By @humanf_uckery

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