Fuckery We Missed: Friend Wouldn’t Give Florida Man $20 To Buy Drugs For Prostitute, So He Beat Her Up!!! (8/1/2019)

Friend Wouldn’t Give Florida Man $20 To Buy Drugs For Prostitute, So He Beat Her Up!

Excerpt From Article:

Cheaves asked a friend for $20 so he could buy a bag of heroin for a prostitute.

The friend told Cheaves she didn’t have any money, at which point he turned violent. She told deputies he landed several punches on both sides of her face before trying to strangle her.

Jeez you thirst fuck! This woman didn’t deserve a beat down because she didn’t have any money for your nasty prostitute’s drugs.. Folks you can only imagine how classy this prostitute was if she exchanging her services for heroin..


By @humanf_uckery

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