Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Gets 60 Years For Hitting Wife With Cadillac at Taco Bell!!! (7/20/2017)

60 Years For Hitting Ex Wife With Caddy At Taco Bell

This fuckery speaks for itself! For more incidents of fuckery that has happened at or dealt with Taco Bell feel free to view the see also links below!

see also:Woman Offers Undercover Officer A Blowjob For 2 Soft Tacos From Taco Bell!!

see also:Man Arrested For Coke Attempts To Bribe Officer With Taco Bell!!!

see also:Taco Bell Employee Throws Hot Grease On Coworker!!

see also:Son Knocks Mom Unconscious With Hockey Stick For Not Letting Him Get Taco Bell!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Driver Charged With 12 Attempted Murder Charges After Plowing Into Cemetery Crowd!!! (7/20/2017)

Man Crashes Car Into Funeral, 12 Injured

We at send our condolences to this family who had to deal with this fuckery during their day of mourning!! We also would like to wish all those who were injured a speedy recovery!

(UPDATE) 10/16/2018: Man Sentenced To More Than 80 Years In Prison!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: 64 Year Old Man Shoots Out Tires Of AT&T Truck Outside Home!!(7/20/2017)

64 Year Old Man Shoots Up AT&T Work Trucks

We get it, your bored and have nothing to do since you’ve retired! We suggest that you find a damn hobby before you end up doing something stupid like this again!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Was This Officer’s Actions Just? (7/20/2017)

Officer’s Caught By His OWN Bodycam!!

Of course this bullshit was wrong but we all can expect that this officer will still be on the Baltimore Police force…. I mean how many officers were fired in the case of Freddie Gray?

Today’s HumanFuckery: ”Self Proclaimed Drug Dealer” Calls 911 Over Theft Of Cash And Drugs!! (7/19/2017)

Self Proclaimed Drug Dealer Calls Cops Because Drugs Were Stolen!

Imagine how quickly this “self proclaimed drug dealer” would snitch on someone if he snitched on himself like this! In all actuality this man sounds like a crack head who was mad that he couldn’t get high due to his drugs being stolen!

Today’s HumanFuckery: South Carolina Mother And Daughter Caught Shoplifting $1400 Worth Of Merchandise!! (7/19/2017)

Mommy/Daughter Shoplifting Spree

I bet this mother thinks this fuckery qualifies as spending quality time with her daughter!

see also:Potential Parents Of The Year Candidates… Parents Use Their Kids To Help Shoplift From Department Store!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: South Carolina Restaurant Workers Arrested After Allegedly Throwing Newborn Baby In Trash!! (7/19/2017)

19 Year Old Throws Newborn In Trash

We get it you probably didn’t know you were pregnant, so you panicked and asked your coworker for help when you had this baby in the bathroom.. You two figured the most practical thing to do was to throw the baby in the trash.. These two deserve nothing less than life in prison! Sadly, this isn’t the first time we’ve covered this type of fuckery!

see also:Woman Admits To Dropping Newborn Baby Out Of High-Rise Apartment Window, Receives Only 4 Years Of Probation!!!

see also:Baby Found In Trash In China

see also:19 Year Old College Student Throws Her Newborn In Trash

see also:Teen Throws Newborn Baby Out Second Story Window!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: 15 Year Old Kills 3 Men In Indianapolis!! (7/19/2017)

15 Year Old Kills 3 Men

All I know is that when I was the age of 15 murder was the last thing on my mind… I was only concerned about girls!!! We at would like to send our condolences to the victims families and friends, this young man’s actions are deplorable!!


Today’s HumanFuckery: Pennsylvania Man Threatens Divorce If Wife Stops Working As Prostitute!!! (7/18/2017)

Keep Hoeing Or I Will Divorce You!!

Pretty much this man was pimping out his wife, she threatened not to pay him, so he threatened her with divorce…
Oh… I almost forgot to add the part that this prostitute was letting clients pay her extra to molest a 7 year old girl….

This is the epitome of human fuckery!!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Burglar Drinks Whiskey, Eats Muffins And Falls Asleep Naked!!! (7/18/2017)

Burglar Drinks Whiskey, Eats Muffins And Falls Asleep Naked

This man obviously forgot the objectives of a robbery!! This story is good but the story in the see also below is our personal favorite!!

see also:Burglar Caught Frying Chicken In Women’s Home!!!