#TBT Fuckery: Man Arrested, Accused Of Assaulting A Woman And Cooking Her French Fries!! (12/13/2018)

(Originally Posted 6/11/2017)

Man Assaults Woman Then Cooks Her French Fries!

Due To The Length Of Article We’ve Decided To Repost:

MONETTA, S.C. (WRDW/WAGT) — The Aiken County Sheriff’s Office arrested a man accused of kidnapping and assaulting a woman.

In the report, the sheriff’s office said Ronnie James broke into a woman’s home on Rankin Road in Monetta. The victim said when she saw him she attempted to run but he chased her down and began to assault her. The report said the James hit the victim with a closed fist and put a knife to her neck, threatening to kill her.

Deputies said James forced her to get in his car and go to his house. Once they got there the report said he cooked her french fries. The report said the victim was dropped off and hour later at her home. The victim said James has never lived at her house and she did not know how he got in.

James is charged with first degree burglary, kidnapping, third degree assault and battery, and domestic violence of a high and aggravated nature.

This story is the epitome of human fuckery!! The more I try and understand this man’s motive the more I shake my head!


By @humanf_uckery

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