Today’s HumanFuckery: 7 Year Old Boy Beaten And Burned To Death For Stealing Garri (11/17/2016)


7 Year Old Burned To Death For Stealing Garri

This horrific incident happened in Lagos, Nigeria. If a child is doing some sort of deviant behavior disciple and then teach them why you administered such disciple. The thing that irks me the most about this murder is that there were people standing around watching this fuckery unfold, and not a single person stepped in to prevented this!! Warning, the link above leads you to an more in depth article about the incident and in this article there is footage of some of the attack….Viewer discretion is advised!! Also we provided a picture of what Garri is for those who have no clue what it is.. See image below


sources: picture source:

By @humanf_uckery

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