Today’s HumanFuckery: Burger King Employee Threatens To “Shoot The Place Up” Due To Hours Being Pushed Back!!! (1/17/2018)

Burger King Employee Threatens To “Shoot The Place Up” Due To Being Short Hours!!!

Due To Length Of Article We’ve Decided To Repost:

Metro police are investigating an incident inside a Burger King restaurant on West Cheyenne near Rainbow Boulevard.

According to Lieutenant David Gordon, shortly before 8:30 p.m., a 30-year-old man walked into the fast food restaurant where he had previously worked, he demanded to his manager that his hours be increased after they were pushed back to 30 hours per week.

The suspect told the manager he did not want to “shoot the place up.”

The manager quickly called 9-1-1 and had 6 employees and 4 customers leave discretely out a back door.

Police, including Metro’s air unit, arrived on scene soon after. They entered the business and arrested the suspect.

After further investigation, a 30 round magazine with a semi-auto rifle was in the suspect’s pocket.

According to the search warrant for the suspect’s backpack, police found, a partially disassembled semi-auto rifle and a machete knife.

He had those items with him when he was in the restaurant.

No injuries were reported.


So… You just pretty much caused all this fuckery over 10 hours of work at Burger King!!! Did you think maybe you could go to another fast food joint and get hired due to the fact that you already have experience in the fast food industry??? It’s sad that some people lack intelligence anymore!!

By @humanf_uckery

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