Today’s HumanFuckery: Chinese Vlogger Dies Live-Streaming Himself Eating Poisonous Centipedes And Lizards!!! (7/25/2019)

Vlogger Dies Live-Streaming Himself Eating Poisonous Centipedes And Lizards!!

Excerpt From Article:

Sun had also been filming himself drinking large amounts of alcohol, as well as eating mealworms for the platform DouYu, where he had 15,000 followers.

As part of the stunt he would spin a wheel marked with items including centipedes, geckos, mealworms, vinegar, eggs, beer and baijiu – a clear distilled liquor.

He would drink or eat the item the spin lands on in front of the camera, according to the Xinan Evening News.

Sun collapsed while the stream was still being broadcast and police later found his camera was still running when his body was found.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes!! It’s getting pretty out of hand what some folks in society will do for some likes and views and for the possibility of going viral nowadays..SMH

see also: Let’s Do Stupid Shit For Likes And Views!!!

see also:Arab Andy’s Livestreams Bomb Threat At University Of Washington On Youtube!!

see also: Connecticut Fugitive Says He’ll Surrender if 15,000 People ‘Like’ His Wanted Poster on Facebook!!

see also:Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Claims He Put Toddler In Trunk Because He Was Conducting Social Experiment In Hopes Of Becoming A ‘Internet Sensation’!!! (9/8/2018)

By @humanf_uckery

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