Today’s HumanFuckery: Disgruntled Ex Shelter Employee Stole 33 Cats From Facility!!! (11/12/2017)

Former Shelter Employee Steals 33 Cats!

This story is short so we’ve elected to repost the article:

WARWICK, R.I. (AP) — A Rhode Island animal care clinic and shelter says a former employee broke into the clinic and stole more than 30 cats this week.

Care for Animals and PAAWS Rhode Island said Friday that police have been made aware of the Tuesday theft.

The Warwick shelter says the recently terminated employee took the 33 cats because she wanted to retaliate against the facility for losing her job.

The shelter says it has no information on the location or condition of the cats.

Warwick police say a note was left behind saying the cats were taken to “relieve stress.”

Police are investigating.

One can assume that this lady’s future will be like this: she will be the old senile lady that attempts to rescue every stray cat that she comes across, she also will become a hoarder and die due to a pile of garbage falling over on her! Actually, this lady reminds me of someone I saw on hoarders once!!

see also:Chinese Man Arrested For Capturing 500 Cats He Planned To Sell To Restaurants!!!

see also:West Virginia Landlord Discovers Dead Cats In Lady’s Refrigerator!!

see also:Man Buys Storage Locker At Auction And Discovers At Least 40 Frozen Dead Cats Inside

By @humanf_uckery

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