Today’s HumanFuckery: Florida Husband Says He Kicked Wife In Head Because He Loves Her!!! (1/30/2020)

“Husband Kicked Wife In Head Because He Loves Her”

Excerpt From Article:

65-year-old Jesse Skinner told Fire Rescue to transport his wife to the hospital after she fell in their home. When firefighters told him his wife didn’t need to go to the hospital, Skinner kicked his wife in the head and the back multiple times saying, “now she needs to go to the hospital.” according to the report.

When speaking with deputies, Skinner said he kicked his wife because he wants her out of the residence and he did it because he loves her and would do anything for her.

Nothing like showing how much you “love” your wife by repeatedly kicking her in the head for no fucking reason!! SMH!!! We at wish this poor woman a speedy recovery..

By @humanf_uckery

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