Today’s HumanFuckery: Girlfriend Calls Police To Turn In Boyfriend For Reward Money While Together In Stolen Car!! (11/8/2017)

Girlfriend Calls Police To Turn In Boyfriend For Reward Money While Together In Stolen Car!

Excerpt From Article:

At that time, dispatchers received a call from Mongeon’s alleged girlfriend, identified as Cristy Cardwell. According to the affidavit, Cardwell told police she knew Mongeon stole the car but would not reveal his intentions until she received reward money, saying she “she knew the law very well and didn’t have to give him up.”
Police say Cardwell told them she was actually in the stolen car and would give the exact location only when she had reward money.

What a snitch!!! In case you’re wondering…she got no reward money and she was arrested!!! Nothing much more to say about this fuckery, this fuckery speaks for itself!!!

By @humanf_uckery

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