Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Accused Of Attempting To Bite Off Woman’s Finger In Maryland!!(3/10/2020)

Man Accused Of Attempting To Bite Off Sister-In-Law Finger In Maryland!

Excerpt From Article:

After an investigation they determined Young got into a dispute with his wife’s sister, who was in town for his wife’s birthday.

“And at some point, that dispute became physical and during the physical altercation that took place with the suspect, somehow her finger ended up in his mouth and he bit off a portion of her finger, which was hanging on by basically what was being described as a thread of flesh,” said Col. William Davis, of the Harford County Sheriff’s Office.

She was taken to the hospital and is expected to be OK, but there is no word on whether doctors could reattach the finger
Unfortunately it sounds like this woman out stayed her welcome and this fuckery was the end result.. We at wish the victim a speedy recovery, we hope that your finger can be reattached.

Throughout the years we’ve posted a fair share of finger biters in the past, please feel free to visit the see also links below for more fuckery!!

see also:‘Twerking’ Dispute Led Woman To Bite Off Another Woman’s Fingertip!!

see also:Man Bites Off Part of NYC Bar Worker’s Finger Because Bar Was Closed!!

see also:Florida Man Accused Of Biting Off Fellow Camper’s Finger!!!

see also:Suspect Bit Off And Swallowed Tip Of Officer’s Middle Finger!!!

see also:Victim’s Finger Bitten Off In Massachusetts Golf Course Brawl!!

By @humanf_uckery

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