Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Arrested For Having ‘Unnatural Sex’ With Three Cows!!! ( 1/18/2018)

Arrested For Unnatural Sex With 3 Cows!!!

Excerpt From Article:

According to the Times of India, Rabari made a complaint to officers at Varnama police station that one of his workers, named only Rathodiya, was suspected of ‘having unnatural sex, committing mischief by killing and injuring cattle and outraging religious feeling’. Police said that when Rabari came to the cow shed on Monday morning, he found the legs of three of his cows tied together with rope. One of the animals was lying on the floor, dead. When Rabari probed further, he suspected somebody might have had intercourse with the cows.

He pointed the finger at labourer Rathodiya, because he claims he had indulged in a similar act with a calf two years ago. Rabari took the man to the police station to hand him in, the newspaper reported. When police asked him if he had committed the act, Rathodiya admitted the extreme act of beastiality.

It is understood he was suffering from mental health problems. ‘When we talked to the villagers, they told us that Rathodiya has psychological problems and he even blabbers when he is alone,’ an official told the paper.


Yeah… you’d have to be mentally unstable to engage in intercourse with any sort of animal really!!! Fun fact 16.4 million American Adults think chocolate milk comes from brown cows!!!

see also:16.4 Million American Adults Think Chocolate Milk Comes From Brown Cows!!!

By @humanf_uckery

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