Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Who Entered Stranger’s Party Naked And Drunk After Sniffing Glue Sentenced To More Than 4 Years In Prison!!! (12/9/2017)

Naked, Drunk, And High On GLUE!!!

We’ve elected to repost the whole news story due to this story being short!

A man who showed up at a party naked and groped a woman has been sentenced to more than four years in prison.
Robert Roy Engelsman was sentenced Thursday in Multnomah County Circuit Court.
The Oregonian/OregonLive reported that he told the judge he wasn’t acting normally the night of June 25 because he was drunk and had sniffed glue.

The 43-year-old man said he thought he heard his ex-girlfriend’s voice inside the house.
Authorities say Engelsman came into the house visibly aroused, lifted up a woman’s skirt and pressed himself against her.
He pleaded no contest to first-degree burglary and attempted first-degree sexual abuse.
Multnomah County Circuit Judge Gregory Silver noted that Engelsman had a history of drug abuse and said he needs to make changes in his life.

Yeah… If any one elects to sniff glue to get high they really need to re-evaluate their whole life!! Hopefully prison will motivate this man to change!

By @humanf_uckery

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