Today’s HumanFuckery: Minneapolis Woman Awoke On Fire After Being Doused With Gasoline; Boyfriend Charged With Murder!!!(10/1/2017)

Woman’s Boyfriend Sets Her On Fire While She Was Sleeping!!!
Excerpt From Article:

Vanessa Danielson’s downstairs neighbor was jolted awake by the sounds of her cries for help as her boyfriend doused her bed with gasoline and set it ablaze Thursday morning, authorities said.

Moments before, the 36-year-old had been sleeping when she awoke on fire, according to a newly-filed criminal complaint. She ran out of the two-story duplex and was met by the neighbor, who threw a blanket over her and smothered the flames.

She died a short time later at a nearby hospital.

We at send our condolences to this lady’s family and friends..

By @humanf_uckery

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