Today’s HumanFuckery: Nasty Fuck Busted For Stalking, Raping Disabled 64 Year Old Woman In Her Bronx Apartment!!! (1/11/2018)

Man Assaults Disabled 64 Year Old

Excerpt From Article:

A registered sex offender with a decade-long history of deviant arrests has been busted for stalking and raping a disabled Bronx woman, police said Wednesday.

Unga Smith, 40, followed the 64-year-old victim, who uses a walker, to her Norwood home at 6:30 p.m. Monday, then pushed his way into her apartment and violated her, cops said.

We honestly hope that this nasty fuck gets destroyed by Bubba & Company when he arrives to whatever prison he’s sentenced to.. What the fuck is your problem assaulting a disabled lady like this.. Unbelievable!!!

By @humanf_uckery

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