Today’s HumanFuckery: Potential Father Of The Year!!! Missouri Dad Finds Child Porn On Son’s Phone, Turns Him In To Teach Lesson!! (1/10/2018)

Missouri Dad Finds Child Porn On Son’s Phone, Turns Him In To Teach Lesson!!

Excerpt From Article:

Paul Spensberger found two photos of a naked 2-year-old girl on his son’s phone, he said. The close-up pictures were taken as the toddler, a relative of the dad’s girlfriend, lay sleeping on the floor.
According to the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, the teen allegedly admitted taking the pictures and told his dad that he hoped to sell them to a classmate he suspected of being a pedophile. The teen was desperate for money to pay debts and hoped he could get $350 for the images.

“I was disgusted,” Paul Spensberger told The Daily Mail of his reaction to the images. He had confiscated the phone for other misbehavior, including theft.

The dad, who owns a construction company, refuses to pay his son’s bail.

“He feels like s**t,” the dad said. “He feels remorse, and he is scared, he’s facing time in prison. I could go and get him, but he needs to learn.”

At first glance of this headline we thought what kinda of father would snitch on his kid? This father could of kept finding these photos hush hush and attempted to get his son some sort of help and not involved the authorities but…. The thing that probably swayed this man’s decision on turning his son in was when he stated he was going to attempt to sell these photos.. We generally use the term “father of the year” sarcastically but this man is truly deserving of that honor!!!

By @humanf_uckery

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