Today’s HumanFuckery: Two Current Hate Crimes That Involve Muslims! (6/19/2017)

Muslim Teen Killed After Leaving Virginia Mosque

Muslim Teen Killed And Thrown In Pond!

One can speculate how this situation turned to murder.. This man who allegedly did this probably spotted this girl walking and proceeed to hurl racist insults and say shit like “you should go back to where ever the fuck you came from’ ect.ect.ect. After all that was said he decides to attack and kill!! We at would like to send our condolences to this girl’s family and friends.

Man Charged With Hate Crime In Phone Threat To Muslim-American Advocate

Phone Threats

This genius left his phone number on the Muslim Advocate’s voicemail box… He probably thinks he did nothing wrong and will plead not guilty to the crimes!


By @humanf_uckery

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