Today’s HumanFuckery: Neighbor Attempts To Rob 99 Year Old Neighbor After Asking Him For A Cup Of Salt!!!(7/23/2017)

Gunman Told 99 Year Old Neighbor He Wanted $50,000 After Asking For Cup Of Salt

Did you really have to pistol whip a man that was 99 years old?? Shows you how tough this robber really is???

Today’s HumanFuckery: 8 Found Dead Inside Of Trailer Outside Of San Antonio Walmart!!! (7/23/2017)

8 Found Dead Inside Of Trailer Outside Of San Antonio Walmart

The San Antonio Fire Department reported that eight people died at the scene. Seventeen more were transported to hospitals with life-threatening injuries, and another 13 had non-life-threatening injuries.

Today’s HumanFuckery: Man Going 112 MPH Tells Officer He Was ‘Trying To Do A Snapchat’ (7/22/2017)

Reckless Driving For SnapChat!

This fuckery speaks for itself!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Naked Man Charged With OUI, Driving 105 Through Construction Zone!!! (7/22/2017)

105 mph In Construction Zone

Sounds like dude was having a good night… All joking aside, we are thankful that this man didn’t harm anyone or himself!

Today’s HumanFuckery: County Jail To Snip 30 Days Off Prison Sentences If Inmates Get A Vasectomy!!! (7/22/2017)

Jail Offers 30 Days Off Sentence For Vasectomy!

Excerpt From Article:

The program works like this: Both sexes can volunteer to participate, which is free of charge. Women are given a Nexplanon contraceptive implant, which works for up to four years, in their arm. The Tennessee Department of Health will provide vasectomies for men who volunteer for the program. Those who participate will receive 30 days of credit toward their jail time.

Doesn’t seem like a fair deal for the men..

Today’s HumanFuckery: Customer Threatened To Shoot Someone Over Bad Burger At Steak N Shake! (7/22/2017)

Gun Pulled Over Bad Burger!!

What happened to just asking to talk to the manager and possibly resolving things that way??

Today’s HumanFuckery: Teens Elect To Film And Mocking Man As He Drowns Instead Of Attempting To Help Or Call For Help!! (7/22/2017)

Viewer Discretion Is Advised

The fucked up thing about this is that these kids may not be facing any sort of trouble from this incident!!! Sadly this isn’t the first time we’ve covered an incident like this… View the see also link below!!

(UPDATE 6/22/2018): Teens Will Not Face Any Charges In This Incident Of Fuckery!!

see also:African Refuge Drowns In Venice’s Grand Canal, Meanwhile By- Standards Do Nothing To Save Him!!! Instead By Standards Yell Insults!!

Fuckery Flashback: Yin Yang Twins- Wait (The Whisper Song) (7/21/2017)

Where did this duo disappear to??? Not gonna lie I do not miss this rap duo one bit!

Today’s HumanFuckery: A woman Has Been Found Guilty Of Shooting Her Husband 5 Times In A Michigan Murder Case Witnessed By A Parrot!!! (7/20/2017)

Parrot Is The Star Witness In Murder Case!!

Someone turn this murder case into a tv show or movie!!!

Today’s HumanFuckery: Family Who Unknowingly Ate Ice Cream With Catheter In It Will Need To Have Blood Tested For HIV And Hepatitis For 6 Months!!! (7/20/2017)

Catheter Found In Ice Cream In Canada

We at are hoping that the results come back negative in 6 months!! Hopefully Coaticook can get down to the bottom of how that catheter got in the ice cream!